Year 3 - 3S

Jrp 220914 061 jr102248

Mrs Sanderson

Class Teacher


September 2024

Welcome to Year 3, this year your class is 3S and your class teacher is Mrs Sanderson. Our concept is Success, this will support our learning throughout the curriculum.

School day

The school day starts at 8.40. Please be on time arriving and collecting your child from school at 3.10.

If your child is unwell, please inform the office as soon as possible.


Children should wear the school uniform every day. Please ensure all items of clothing are labelled.

Children should also bring in a named water bottle.


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please ensure your child has a labelled PE kit for these days.


Children should be reading every night, this can be signed in their home contact book.

Spellings will be set on Mondays and checked the following Monday. 


I look forward to working with you all this year.  If you have any questions, I am here to help and support you.  Please come and speak to me if there is anything I can help you with.

Thank you

Mrs Sanderson