
We encourage children to wear school uniform. 

For Nursery, this consists of a royal blue sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, a white shirt and grey or black trousers or skirt, with black shoes or plain black trainers.

Children in Reception and Year 1 wear a navy sweatshirt, jumper or cardigan, a white shirt and grey or black trousers or skirt, with black shoes or plain black trainers.

From Year 2 to Year 6 children are expected to wear a white collared shirt and tie, a navy jumper or cardigan, grey or black trousers or skirt, with black shoes or plain black trainers. 

Girls can wear navy and white gingham dresses in the summer months.

Logo sweatshirts and jumpers are available to order from the school office and each child will be given a free jumper or sweatshirt (and tie if Year 2 or above) for September 2022 only.

Please note, it is not compulsory to buy school logo items after September 2022. Your child may wear a plain uniform colour jumper or sweatshirt from retailers.

Children will need trainers for PE, a plain t-shirt and plain shorts. A tracksuit for winter PE is also a good idea. We ask that children bring in their PE kit on a Monday and take it home on a Friday and that it gets washed regularly. Children cannot do PE if they do not have suitable kit.

All jewellery must be removed for PE. Children can wear a watch, but not a smart watch, and stud earrings.  Staff are not able to remove or put in earrings; if your child is unable to do so, please send them to school without earrings on PE days.

Please ensure ALL items of clothing and other personal items are clearly named.