
Inspection dates: 14 and 15 November 2023

Outcome St George’s Primary & Nursery School, Great Yarmouth continues to be a good school.

What is it like to attend this school?

Pupils are safe and happy at St George’s. The school has high expectations for the learning and behaviour of all pupils. There is a calm, quiet atmosphere in the school. Behaviour is typically good in class and around the school. Pupils like their teachers, enjoy learning and work hard in lessons. Pupils achieve well in most subjects.

Pupils from many different backgrounds get on well together. Adults rapidly resolve any arguments, when necessary.

Pupils are exceptionally well cared for. Pupils say they know who to go to if they are worried about anything. Adults listen to them, and pupils are confident that they will get the help they need.

Pupils enjoy the many after-school clubs. Most take part in clubs at some point during the school year. Pupils love the wide range of visits and visitors linked to subjects they are learning. There are opportunities for families to have fun visits together to places like a local circus. Most parents appreciate everything the school does for them and their children.

Children make an excellent start to their education in Nursery and Reception. Children quickly settle down due to consistent routines and the high expectations of all staff.

Latest Ofsted Report: Good